I also participated in one of the Classroom 2.0
conversations about cell phones in the classroom. The website seems to have some good ideas and
commentaries from many teachers.
I spent some time looking at the website for iPads/iPods in
education. Admittedly, I am still quite
divided on the issue of cell phones in the classroom. I think they can be a great resource, and at
the very same time, a huge distraction.
I think many of us as mature, working adults could admit to having used
our cell phones in less than appropriate ways from time to time. It would be unrealistic to think that by
making the cell phone a learning tool all inappropriate use will suddenly
disappear because the students are having so much fun learning.
Everything we teach our students in school should be
preparing them for life after school.
This is going to require more than playing with a gimmicky new
technology. It will require a lot of
thought and dedication to integrating the technology to serve a real and not
invented purpose. It should be the same
with any educational tool.
I spent some time looking at the e-readers. I am not that old (just 32), but I guess I am
“old-school” in many ways. I like to
read books, not computer screens. When I
read a book, I can remember where something is written, the color of ink used
to highlight it, what side of the page it is on and how far into the book it
is. I can’t do that with a computer
screen and even less so with a teeny tiny cell phone screen. I like my smartphone, don’t get me wrong, but
I’m not going to read any books on it anytime soon. Of course I can see the advantage to have a plethora of current materials available on an iPad or Kindle. That certainly would be better than 20-year old World Book Encyclopedias.
We all learn differently and have different strengths and weaknesses. Hopefully someday the whole system will change. Education will hopefully become more individualized and
students will be able to help choose what works best for them when it comes to
I enjoyed the comment about the 32 year old eyes. There was a time I would have agreed wholeheartedly, but these ole eyes ain't what they used to be. Picking up a paperback book with tiny print makes reading miserable. I now do audiobooks and read on my iPad where I can adjust the print to suit my needs. Oh, to have 32 year old eyes again. ^o^