domingo, marzo 25, 2012

CEP882 - The Hook

I nearly forgot about blogging after having a couple weeks off:)  Like music that draws us in with a good hook, the classroom experiences we design need to have a hook to draw our students in.  Often times in education, we refer to the hook as something we can connect to from previous lessons or life in general.  The hook in a lesson tends to be something to which we can refer to get our students thinking about the topic at hand.  Though it is similar to the hook we have discussed this week in music, it isn't quite the same.  The hook in music is the part that catches us and holds us all the way through, not just something that grabs our attention in order to move us on to the next theme.  That said, maybe our classroom hooks should be more like music hooks.  Maybe they should be something that grabs our students' attention and holds it all the way through the lesson, something that is subtly repeated time and again so that our students can't shake it from their minds.  It is certainly something to think about :)

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