lunes, abril 16, 2012

IB - Fashion Module

I got so carried away with my WOA project that I completely forgot about this blog.  And not because I don't appreciate fashion :)  So for the last six years I worked in Bolivia at a secondary boarding school.  In Bolivia, all students in all schools wear uniforms.  There is no debate as there is here in the States, because it is simply what is done. On Independence Day parade all students from all schools march in the parades in their communities.  As the director of the school, I had a version of the school uniform that I wore on parade days.   It was the only time I put on that uniform.  The students loved it...and I loved it.  Since we all lived together at the boarding school, we already felt like a family, but there was something about wearing our uniforms in the parade in town that created a sense of pride and belonging like no other day.  There was just something about dressing up in fresh uniforms for parade day.  I think it is similar to the feelings I feel when I see a man in a Navy or Marine uniform.  My dad was in the Navy and my grandfather was a Marine.  I see a group of men in their dress blues and it actually makes me tear up.  I just don't think it would have the same effect, no matter how straight they were standing, if they were all wearing jeans and different t-shirts.  Some argue that uniforms take away individuality, but I think they create a sense of belonging and family.  It's amazing that something as simple as clothing can have that effect.

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